Hello and welcome to the refresh of my blog for my writing. It has been a while since I updated the site. In fact, there was an error with WordPress that crashed the whole blog! In the time that I have been gone, I have been to grad school (and graduated), participated in NaNoWriMo again, and started a new career track.

About The Site/My Writing

While writing this, I find myself talking about my favorite elementary school teacher for the second time this week. My inspiration to write really came from Ms. Levy when I was in elementary school. She encouraged us all to write and be creative. We had free writing time in her class and it was my favorite part of school. Ever since then I haven’t not wanted to write for fun.

I write a variety of genres but have a heavy focus on fantasy and modern fantasy. Something about the worlds of magic and supernatural has always drawn me to them. My two other main genres are sci-fi and thriller. I will occasionally dabble in other areas as I come up with an idea but mainly when I am doing prompt writing.

This blog is intended for me to be able to share some of the creation process with you and to share my stories.

What You Will Find Here

I haven’t nailed down the exacts of what I will be posting with the revamp of the site but I can give you a good idea. I will be posting things such as short stories, prompt responses, my NaNoWriMo progress, parts of my NaNoWriMo story, and some of the different ways that I come up with topics and inspiration. I will also post about some of my writing methods and tools.

As I find more time due to my career stabilizing and moving into a new stage of my life I will have a better idea of what will appear here.

What You Won’t Find Here

The main thing you won’t find here is me recommending something I haven’t used or don’t currently use. If I mention a product, service, or technique I am sharing to help you be informed, not because I am being paid. You will always get my honest feedback on things I post here.

You also won’t find any paywalls or obnoxious ads. I have in the past written on monetized sites but that content has also been posted here.

When I Will Post

I don’t have a schedule for posts yet. I am doing this for fun and because I enjoy it. As I continue on I will do my best to get a concrete schedule put in place. I also need to get some new content written before a posting schedule can be set up since my last WordPress site crashed and all of the data was lost.

About Me

I am wordsmith who lives in the Pacific Northwest. I craft works of fiction in the fantasy, sci-fi, and thriller genres, as well as dabbling in other areas. This site is my way to share some of my thoughts, ideas, and works. I hope you enjoy it.

This website has had various forms over the years. I am just trying to keep it a basic blog. Be prepared for new content!

I am a fantasy writer so of course I want to try using technology to make some fantasy photos of me. One of the new things you will see is some of the media I am using for inspiration for my writing. This will come from a variety of places but one of the big places is my NightCafe account.

Profile Photo

By Ian

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